Sample Retreat Schedules for a Personal Lam Rim Retreat:
Designed for people who already have a basic understanding of the Lam Rim topics.
A few things to keep in mind are that it is best not to do retreat in a space that is overly familiar to you like your house. Keep the space very simple and free of books. Do not bring a computer or other electronics with you on retreat. If you are doing a longer retreat like a ten day it is good to have someone (a caretaker) who you can leave a note for if you find you need anything.
首先要把幾件事放在心上,最好不要在自己熟悉的地方閉關,像是自 己的家。空間必須保持簡單,不要有書籍。 不可以帶電腦或任何電子 設備進去閉關。 如果你做的是較長時間像是十天的閉關,最好有個照 顧你的人,在你有任何需要時可以寫紙條給他。
Four meditation practices that you may want to incorporate into a retreat are
1. Lam Rim Review and Analytical Meditations
2. Single Pointed Shamata Training Meditations
3. Tong Len Meditation
4. Rejoicing Meditation
1. 對道次第作復習式與分析式冥想
2. 專注式(奢摩他/三昧)冥想
3. 施受法
4. 隨喜冥想
Figure out what time of day your mind is the sharpest and use that for your single pointed practice. Rejoicing is typically best for when your mind is not as fresh. 找出你意識最敏銳清晰的時段,用來作專注式冥想,當你意識比較不是那麼清新時 通常最好作隨喜。
Experiment a bit with scheduling. For example if you know you are not a morning person then move the schedule back so you can sleep in and stay up later. 調整時間表。 例如你知道自己不是早晨型的人,那就把時間表望後推,這樣你可以 早上睡晚ㄧ點,然後晚上晚點睡。
3am to 4am – Session 1 – Seven Limb Prayer Preliminaries and Lam Rim
4:30 to 6:30 – Nap
6:30 – 7:30 - Session 2 – Single Pointed Meditation
7:30 – 8:30 - Light Breakfast and/or Tea
8:30 – 9:30 – Break (prep Lunch and Dinner)
9:30 – 11 – Yoga
11:30 – 12:30 – Session 3 – Tong Len
12:30 – 2 – Lunch and Bathing
2 – 2:30 – Walk or Rest
2:30 – 3:30 – Session 4 – Lam Rim
3:30 – 5 – Tea and Review Lam Rim Teachings
5 – 6pm - Session 5 – Rejoicing Meditation
6:15 – 7:15 – Dinner
8pm Bed
3點到4點 – 第一節 – 七支供養與道次第
4點半到6點半 –小睡
6點半到7點半 –第二節 – 專注式冥想
7點半到8點半 – 輕食早餐 自由選擇要不要喝茶
8點半到9點半 – 休息時間(可以用來準備午餐和晚餐)
9點半到11點 – 瑜伽
11點半到12點半 – 第三節 – 施受法
12點半到2點 – 午餐和沐浴
2點到2點半 – 散步或休息
2點半到3點半 – 第四節 – 道次第
3點半到5點 – 喝茶並復習道次第的教學
5點到6點 – 第五節 – 隨喜冥想
6點15到7點15 晚上 – 晚餐
8點 上床睡覺
On the first day and the last day of retreat do a lighter schedule.
閉關的頭一天和最後一天用比較簡化放鬆的時 程 來 作。
The basic Lam Rim topics that you would go through are;
Simplified Lam Rim Outline 簡易道次第綱要
1. The Importance of Spiritual Friends and a Spiritual Guide and Teacher.
善知識與精神導師的重要性。 現代文明的整個軌跡
By trying to achieve liberation we are going against the entire trajectory of modern civilization. Most of us can’t do it on our own, we will be quickly overwhelmed by society and the values of the world (financial success, power, sex, respect).
因為試著追求解脫,我們就得跟現代文明的整個趨勢逆向而行。大多數人是 無法單憑一己之力做到,我們將會很快就被社會及世俗價值( 財務上的成 功,性,尊重)壓垮。
2. Remembering Death.
a) death is definite
b) the time of death is unknown
c) Nothing can help us at the moment of death except the positive seeds we have planted in our hearts through our dharma practice.
c)死到臨頭時,除了我們之前透過修法種在內心正面的種子以外,沒有任 何東西能幫上忙 。
3. Eight Worldly Concerns.
1) The attachment to getting material things.
2) The suffering of not getting material things.
3) The attachment of being praised by someone.
4) The suffering of being blamed and criticized by someone.
5) The attachment to having a good reputation and being well known. 6) The suffering of being obscure and not known.
7) The attachment to sensual pleasures. (sugar, sex, fried food, fancy resorts, etc).
8) The suffering of unpleasant sensual experiences.
4. Precious Human Life
a) Considering our immense fortune in this life.
b) Contemplating the suffering of the six realms of existence.
1. The beings in the six realms experience either continuous fear or pain or frustration or jealousy or clinging.
b)思索輪迴中六道所遭受的苦 。
5. The Four Laws of Karma – Developing conviction that actions have effects.
1) Karma is definite. Good actions yield good results.
2) Results of an action increase.
3) If an action is not done one won’t meet with its results.
4) Actions don’t fade away without yielding a result.
4)一旦種下了因,就一定會有果 。
6. Vows
a) Considering vows and their influence on our happiness and liberation.
7. The Four Aria (Noble) Truths
1) The truth of suffering.
2) The truth of the cause of suffering.
3) The truth of an end of suffering.
4) The truth of a cause (path) to the end of suffering.
1)苦諦 。
9. The Four Immeasurables
1) Loving kindness, benevolence – The wish that others have happiness and create the causes for future happiness.
2) Compassion – The wish that others not experience suffering and don’t create the causes for suffering.
3) Sympathetic Joy – Rejoicing in the good of self and others.
4) Equanimity. – Not suffering from the eight worldly concerns and not living a life based on reactive patterns.
1)慈(慈愛,仁 ) _ 希望他人能快樂,並且創造未來能快樂的因。
2)悲(惻隱之心) _ 希望他人能避免遭受痛苦,並且不要種下受苦的因。
3)喜(同情的喜悅)_ 隨喜自己與他人的善。
4)捨(平等捨) _ 不受世間八法所苦,也不以反應模式生活。
10. Desiring Bodhichitta
a) Fantasizing about bodhichitta and longing to feel infinite and unconditional love for others.
11. Cultivating Bodhichitta
a) The 6 Perfections and how to practice them.
1) Generosity – 1. Give material assistance. 2. Give protection from fear . 3. Give Dharma
2) Ethics – 1. Refraining from hurting others and yourself. 2. Trying to help others and your-self. 3. Working for the benefit of others.
3) Patience – 1. Patience of not retaliating. 2. Patience of enduring difficulties.
4) Joyful Effort – 1. Gathering virtue and working for the benefit of others.
5) Concentration – Training in meditation, shamata.
6) Wisdom – Training in emptiness, vipashayana.
_ 1.給與物質上的協助(財施)。 2.給與免於恐懼的庇護(無畏施)。 3. 佈施佛法(法施)。
_ 1.避免傷害他人和自己。 2.試著幫助他人和自己。 3.為別人的利益努力。
_ 1.不回應還擊的耐心。 2.面對長久困難的耐心。
5)禪定波羅蜜(專注) _ 修習冥想,奢摩它。
6)智慧波羅蜜(智慧) _ 修習空性,內觀。
b) 7 Steps Equanimity Practice.
1) Consider that every being has been your mother.
2) Remembering their kindness to you as your mother.
3) Feel a wish to reciprocate that kindness.
4) Cultivate the practice of seeing others as lovable and precious.
5) Generate great compassion.
6) Generate great determination.
7) Generate an altruistic intention by desiring to use your life to eliminate the suffering of others.
1)知母 _ 思索眾生都曾是你的母親。
2)念恩 _ 憶起他們是你母親時對你的付出。
3)報恩 _ 感覺想要回報他們仁慈的希望。
4)慈心 _ 培養發掘別人美好和珍貴的練習。
5)大悲心 _ 生起大悲心。
6)增上意樂 _ 生起增上意樂。
7)菩提心 _ 藉由渴望運用你的生命來生起消除他人痛苦 的利他動機。
c) 11 Step Equanimity Practice.
1) Generate equanimity
2) Consider that every being has been your mother.
3) Remembering their kindness to you as your mother.
4) Feel a wish to reciprocate that kindness.
5) Realize that you and others are all equal.
6) Consider the disadvantages of self-centeredness.
7) Consider the advantages of opening your heart to others and cherishing them.
8) With compassion taking on the suffering of others.
9) With love, giving away your own happiness.
10) Feeling a strong determination.
11) Cultivating an altruistic intention.
2)知母 _ 思索眾生都曾是你的母親。
3)念恩 _ 憶起他們是你母親時對你的付出。
4)報恩 _ 感覺想要回報他們仁慈的希望。
5)自他平等 _ 明瞭你與他人都是平等的。
8)修取 _ 帶著惻隱之心承擔他人的痛苦。
9)修慈 _ 帶著愛,將自己的快樂佈施出去。
10)增上意樂 _ 感受到一種堅強的決心。
11)菩提心 _ 培養利他的動機。
12. Entering the Vajrayana Path.
Designed for people who already have a basic understanding of the Lam Rim topics.
A few things to keep in mind are that it is best not to do retreat in a space that is overly familiar to you like your house. Keep the space very simple and free of books. Do not bring a computer or other electronics with you on retreat. If you are doing a longer retreat like a ten day it is good to have someone (a caretaker) who you can leave a note for if you find you need anything.
首先要把幾件事放在心上,最好不要在自己熟悉的地方閉關,像是自 己的家。空間必須保持簡單,不要有書籍。 不可以帶電腦或任何電子 設備進去閉關。 如果你做的是較長時間像是十天的閉關,最好有個照 顧你的人,在你有任何需要時可以寫紙條給他。
Four meditation practices that you may want to incorporate into a retreat are
1. Lam Rim Review and Analytical Meditations
2. Single Pointed Shamata Training Meditations
3. Tong Len Meditation
4. Rejoicing Meditation
1. 對道次第作復習式與分析式冥想
2. 專注式(奢摩他/三昧)冥想
3. 施受法
4. 隨喜冥想
Figure out what time of day your mind is the sharpest and use that for your single pointed practice. Rejoicing is typically best for when your mind is not as fresh. 找出你意識最敏銳清晰的時段,用來作專注式冥想,當你意識比較不是那麼清新時 通常最好作隨喜。
Experiment a bit with scheduling. For example if you know you are not a morning person then move the schedule back so you can sleep in and stay up later. 調整時間表。 例如你知道自己不是早晨型的人,那就把時間表望後推,這樣你可以 早上睡晚ㄧ點,然後晚上晚點睡。
3am to 4am – Session 1 – Seven Limb Prayer Preliminaries and Lam Rim
4:30 to 6:30 – Nap
6:30 – 7:30 - Session 2 – Single Pointed Meditation
7:30 – 8:30 - Light Breakfast and/or Tea
8:30 – 9:30 – Break (prep Lunch and Dinner)
9:30 – 11 – Yoga
11:30 – 12:30 – Session 3 – Tong Len
12:30 – 2 – Lunch and Bathing
2 – 2:30 – Walk or Rest
2:30 – 3:30 – Session 4 – Lam Rim
3:30 – 5 – Tea and Review Lam Rim Teachings
5 – 6pm - Session 5 – Rejoicing Meditation
6:15 – 7:15 – Dinner
8pm Bed
3點到4點 – 第一節 – 七支供養與道次第
4點半到6點半 –小睡
6點半到7點半 –第二節 – 專注式冥想
7點半到8點半 – 輕食早餐 自由選擇要不要喝茶
8點半到9點半 – 休息時間(可以用來準備午餐和晚餐)
9點半到11點 – 瑜伽
11點半到12點半 – 第三節 – 施受法
12點半到2點 – 午餐和沐浴
2點到2點半 – 散步或休息
2點半到3點半 – 第四節 – 道次第
3點半到5點 – 喝茶並復習道次第的教學
5點到6點 – 第五節 – 隨喜冥想
6點15到7點15 晚上 – 晚餐
8點 上床睡覺
On the first day and the last day of retreat do a lighter schedule.
閉關的頭一天和最後一天用比較簡化放鬆的時 程 來 作。
The basic Lam Rim topics that you would go through are;
Simplified Lam Rim Outline 簡易道次第綱要
1. The Importance of Spiritual Friends and a Spiritual Guide and Teacher.
善知識與精神導師的重要性。 現代文明的整個軌跡
By trying to achieve liberation we are going against the entire trajectory of modern civilization. Most of us can’t do it on our own, we will be quickly overwhelmed by society and the values of the world (financial success, power, sex, respect).
因為試著追求解脫,我們就得跟現代文明的整個趨勢逆向而行。大多數人是 無法單憑一己之力做到,我們將會很快就被社會及世俗價值( 財務上的成 功,性,尊重)壓垮。
2. Remembering Death.
a) death is definite
b) the time of death is unknown
c) Nothing can help us at the moment of death except the positive seeds we have planted in our hearts through our dharma practice.
c)死到臨頭時,除了我們之前透過修法種在內心正面的種子以外,沒有任 何東西能幫上忙 。
3. Eight Worldly Concerns.
1) The attachment to getting material things.
2) The suffering of not getting material things.
3) The attachment of being praised by someone.
4) The suffering of being blamed and criticized by someone.
5) The attachment to having a good reputation and being well known. 6) The suffering of being obscure and not known.
7) The attachment to sensual pleasures. (sugar, sex, fried food, fancy resorts, etc).
8) The suffering of unpleasant sensual experiences.
4. Precious Human Life
a) Considering our immense fortune in this life.
b) Contemplating the suffering of the six realms of existence.
1. The beings in the six realms experience either continuous fear or pain or frustration or jealousy or clinging.
b)思索輪迴中六道所遭受的苦 。
5. The Four Laws of Karma – Developing conviction that actions have effects.
1) Karma is definite. Good actions yield good results.
2) Results of an action increase.
3) If an action is not done one won’t meet with its results.
4) Actions don’t fade away without yielding a result.
4)一旦種下了因,就一定會有果 。
6. Vows
a) Considering vows and their influence on our happiness and liberation.
7. The Four Aria (Noble) Truths
1) The truth of suffering.
2) The truth of the cause of suffering.
3) The truth of an end of suffering.
4) The truth of a cause (path) to the end of suffering.
1)苦諦 。
9. The Four Immeasurables
1) Loving kindness, benevolence – The wish that others have happiness and create the causes for future happiness.
2) Compassion – The wish that others not experience suffering and don’t create the causes for suffering.
3) Sympathetic Joy – Rejoicing in the good of self and others.
4) Equanimity. – Not suffering from the eight worldly concerns and not living a life based on reactive patterns.
1)慈(慈愛,仁 ) _ 希望他人能快樂,並且創造未來能快樂的因。
2)悲(惻隱之心) _ 希望他人能避免遭受痛苦,並且不要種下受苦的因。
3)喜(同情的喜悅)_ 隨喜自己與他人的善。
4)捨(平等捨) _ 不受世間八法所苦,也不以反應模式生活。
10. Desiring Bodhichitta
a) Fantasizing about bodhichitta and longing to feel infinite and unconditional love for others.
11. Cultivating Bodhichitta
a) The 6 Perfections and how to practice them.
1) Generosity – 1. Give material assistance. 2. Give protection from fear . 3. Give Dharma
2) Ethics – 1. Refraining from hurting others and yourself. 2. Trying to help others and your-self. 3. Working for the benefit of others.
3) Patience – 1. Patience of not retaliating. 2. Patience of enduring difficulties.
4) Joyful Effort – 1. Gathering virtue and working for the benefit of others.
5) Concentration – Training in meditation, shamata.
6) Wisdom – Training in emptiness, vipashayana.
_ 1.給與物質上的協助(財施)。 2.給與免於恐懼的庇護(無畏施)。 3. 佈施佛法(法施)。
_ 1.避免傷害他人和自己。 2.試著幫助他人和自己。 3.為別人的利益努力。
_ 1.不回應還擊的耐心。 2.面對長久困難的耐心。
5)禪定波羅蜜(專注) _ 修習冥想,奢摩它。
6)智慧波羅蜜(智慧) _ 修習空性,內觀。
b) 7 Steps Equanimity Practice.
1) Consider that every being has been your mother.
2) Remembering their kindness to you as your mother.
3) Feel a wish to reciprocate that kindness.
4) Cultivate the practice of seeing others as lovable and precious.
5) Generate great compassion.
6) Generate great determination.
7) Generate an altruistic intention by desiring to use your life to eliminate the suffering of others.
1)知母 _ 思索眾生都曾是你的母親。
2)念恩 _ 憶起他們是你母親時對你的付出。
3)報恩 _ 感覺想要回報他們仁慈的希望。
4)慈心 _ 培養發掘別人美好和珍貴的練習。
5)大悲心 _ 生起大悲心。
6)增上意樂 _ 生起增上意樂。
7)菩提心 _ 藉由渴望運用你的生命來生起消除他人痛苦 的利他動機。
c) 11 Step Equanimity Practice.
1) Generate equanimity
2) Consider that every being has been your mother.
3) Remembering their kindness to you as your mother.
4) Feel a wish to reciprocate that kindness.
5) Realize that you and others are all equal.
6) Consider the disadvantages of self-centeredness.
7) Consider the advantages of opening your heart to others and cherishing them.
8) With compassion taking on the suffering of others.
9) With love, giving away your own happiness.
10) Feeling a strong determination.
11) Cultivating an altruistic intention.
2)知母 _ 思索眾生都曾是你的母親。
3)念恩 _ 憶起他們是你母親時對你的付出。
4)報恩 _ 感覺想要回報他們仁慈的希望。
5)自他平等 _ 明瞭你與他人都是平等的。
8)修取 _ 帶著惻隱之心承擔他人的痛苦。
9)修慈 _ 帶著愛,將自己的快樂佈施出去。
10)增上意樂 _ 感受到一種堅強的決心。
11)菩提心 _ 培養利他的動機。
12. Entering the Vajrayana Path.